FIFA enacts new rules for lending up to 6 per team effective 2024

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International Football Federation (Fifa) is looking for a way to control a big camp that likes to hoard talented young players. and choose to lend until solid That limited the quota to only 6 people per season, starting to take full effect in the next two years

World Cup Governing Body Open a plan about the buy – sell market every summer. Focus on young players if choosing from a small team to a large camp ufabet. It was necessary to discuss it well with the senior set.  

That’s because the example seen in the current industry, teams like Chelsea , Manchester City , Paris Saint – Germain or Real Madrid for a year sent players to football on loan a lot. Looks like a hoard of quality shins until it becomes a monopoly on the industry. There was a gap between the superpower camp and the grassroots team that had no potential to compete.


For this reason, FIFA has to intervene in order to achieve equality in the industry. Because it does not want to see a case like ‘ Sing the Blues ‘ in which 20 players were loaned a year.  

The stipulation required for loan is a minimum – clearly longest period , prohibiting professional players from loaning themselves to up to three clubs in the same season. or limit the amount of borrowing in – borrowing out per season  

In order to operate smoothly, there will be three phases to adjust. 

– For the first time this coming summer, from 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023. All clubs are limited to lending players a total of 8 , borrowing in a total of 8 

– Phase Two , 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024 , reducing the number to 7 people per category 

– The last phase will continue throughout, starting on July 1 , 2024 , reducing the number to 6 people per category .

However, the new rules do not apply to players aged 21 or under. Including players who are still coaching with the club are exempt from being include as well.